Sunday, April 12, 2009

Recruiter Asks: What Are Your Weaknesses?

You've all heard the dreaded interview question: "Tell me what your weaknesses are." And time after time, candidates fail this test (yes, I said test) by answering with:
  1. I don't have any weaknesses (everyone has weaknesses...recruiter knows you're lying)
  2. I'm a workaholic (displays inability to effectively manage time)
  3. I'm a perfectionist (shows inability to delegate or make a decision)

As a recruiter, when I ask you to identify your weakness(es), IT IS A TRICK QUESTION! What I'm trying to get to is 1) Are you going to be honest, 2)Are you prepared, 3)If you identified a weakness, what are you doing to turn it into a strength, and 4)If you are going to reveal any information that may be a potential red flag.

See this article from the Wall Street Journal (

What are some of the answers that you have given when a recruiter has asked you this question?

Tammy Turner
Kapstone Recruiting & Training Services

1 comment:

Terri Dawn Arnold said...

I have said it is difficult for me to say, "no." Then I continued to explain I am learning how to communicate to my supervisor that I may need more time to work on a project, and ask what order I should prioritize each assignment.